
Enter The Care Bears

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Written by Stephen Ricketts & Jacob Turner

The Raccoons © Evergreen Raccoons Marketing Inc
Michelle Raccoon © Michelleraccoon
Alicia Pig © Alicia Martin
Care Bears © Nelvana

NOTE FROM STEPHEN: Having the Care Bears team up with the Raccoons in this story was Rkerekes13's idea.

NARRATOR: 'On top of a dreaded storm cloud, an evil wizard lurks. His name, No Heart.'
The evil No Heart walked into his throne room.
NO HEART: 'Beastly!'
Beastly ran into the room.
BEASTLY: 'Yeah Boss?'
NO HEART: 'Your efforts at spreading uncaring around the world are failing!'
BEASTLY: 'I-I-I'm sorry, Boss.'
Shreeky ran into the room, holding a picture rolled up.
SHREEKY: 'Wait Uncle No Heart. We know one place we haven't hit yet. And I think it's time we did.'
She unrolled the picture, and showed it to No Heart.
NO HEART: 'The Evergreen Forest? That place is filled with peace loving people. Excellent work, Shreeky. We'll head there right away.'

The raccoon gang were playing baseball. Melissa was the pitcher, and Bert was at the bat. Melissa threw the ball, and Bert wacked it, and ran. Lisa, Michelle, Cedric and Sophia watched and cheered.
LISA: 'Bert's a natural. I never knew he had it in him.'
CEDRIC: 'That reminds me of the time when we fell out over a major league contract…'
LISA: 'Is this gonna be one of those flashback stories?'
CEDRIC: 'It was, but I guess we've already had enough of them for a while.'
SOPHIA: 'I agree. We should let the story go along.'

Cyril was in the office, talking on the phone.
CYRIL: 'I'll see you at Lady Baden-Baden's mansion tonight, Ingrid.'
He hung up the phone.
CYRIL: 'Pigs!'
The Pigs ran in.
PIGS: 'Y-Y-Yes Boss?'
CYRIL: 'You had better put on your tuxedos, because we are going to Lady Baden-Baden's tonight. She wants us to meet her friends Queen Sheila and King Drew, who have recently been visiting the forest.'
LLOYD: 'Queen Sheila and King Drew? They're Princess Alicia's parents.'
FLOYD: 'Alicia's a princess?'
LLOYD: 'Yes.'
BOYD: 'Her sisters too?'
LLOYD: 'Yes.'
FLOYD/ BOYD: 'Wow! We're dating royalty.'
CYRIL: 'If you pigs don't behave, you won't receive any royal treatment. Now get out and get ready for tonight.'
PIGS: 'Yes Sir, yes Sir!'
They ran out of the office.

All of a sudden, a dark cloud with lightning, covered the Sneer Mansion.

Cyril noticed it was getting dark outside.
CYRIL: 'Is it night time already?'
All of a sudden, the doorbell rang.
CYRIL: 'Pigs, get the door!'
The Pigs ran up to the door and answered it. It was No Heart.
PIGS: (scared) 'Agh! It's the Grim Reaper!'
NO HEART: (pushing the Pigs aside) 'Oh please.'
He walked past them, and walked inside.
SHREEKY: (as she and Beastly walked in) 'Don't worry. We'll show ourselves in.'
BOYD: (to No Heart) 'W-W-Who are you? And do you have an appointment, sir?'
NO HEART: 'An appointment?! I am No Heart! I don't do appointments!'
CYRIL: (marching down the stairs) 'What's all the shouting about? And who the heck are you three… things?'
NO HEART: 'I am hate! I am evil! I am NO HEART!'
SHREEKY: 'I'm his niece, Shreeky.'
BEASTLY: 'And I'm Beastly.'
NO HEART: 'And we are taking over this gothic castle.'
CYRIL: 'This gothic castle happens to be my home, Mister. And unless you wanna tangle with my alligators, I suggest you leave now before I have the cops on you!'
SHREEKY: (loudly into Cyril's ear) 'QUIET!!!'
The impact left Cyril all shocked. And the Pigs had covered their ears.
BOYD: (to the others) 'I think we just found out why she's called Shreeky.'
NO HEART: 'Now step aside. It's time to get to work on this peaceful forest.'
The villains walked past.
LLOYD: 'I smell trouble.'
CYRIL: 'Did you say something?'
FLOYD: (to the other Pigs) 'We should warn the Raccoons.'
LLOYD: 'And tell them what? That there's a scary group of monsters taking over Sneer Mansion? Yeah, they'll believe that.'
BOYD: 'What choice do we have, Lloyd?'
CYRIL: 'Will somebody answer the phone!'
LLOYD: 'Err boss, that ringing is in your head!'
CYRIL: 'I don't wanna go to bed!'
He went back upstairs.
CYRIL: 'I'll answer the phone myself.'

No Heart stood on the platform, with Shreeky and Beastly standing before him.
NO HEART: 'This will be the excellent place to spread the powers of un-caring throughout the Evergreen Forest, ridding it of it's kindness and feelings, forever!'
He walked onto the balcony, and fired his energy, which spread wide from the Sneer Mansion, and effected the forest.

Bert, Cedric and Melissa were still playing baseball field, when the darkness hit them.
BERT: 'I feel strange.'
MELISSA: 'Me too.'
CEDRIC: 'And me as well.'
All of a sudden, their confused faces turned into mean looking faces. Lisa, Michelle and Sophia got hit by the darkness, and they turned mean too.

Schaeffer was outside, and he got hit by the darkness, and turned mean.

Ralph was working at his desk.
RALPH: 'Now I've got to get ready for tonight, and interview Queen Sheila.'
He got hit by the darkness, and turned mean.
RALPH: 'And the main headline for tomorrow's edition, "This is the LAST edition, EVER!" Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!'

More animals got hit by No Heart's dark powers, and turned evil.

NARRATOR: 'No Heart's scheme was not about to go unnoticed however.'
There was a view of the land, and the Care Bears who lived there, and were having fun. The Caring Meter dropped, and Tenderheart read it.
TENDERHEART: 'Oh no. Something bad is going on. Grumpy, can you find where it is?'
GRUMPY: (looking through the telescope) 'I'm already looking.'
He looked down below, and spotted No Heart on the balcony of the Sneer Mansion.
GRUMPY: 'It's No Heart, he's attacking a forest in Canada.'
BRIGHT HEART: 'The Evergreen Forest?'
GRUMPY: 'It could be. Why?'
BRIGHT HEART: 'That's where the Raccoons live. They've done a few benefit concerts there, and I'd love to meet them.'
BRAVE HEART: 'And more importantly, we have to stop No Heart.'
CHEER: 'Then I guess we're all going to the Evergreen Forest.'
BRAVE HEART: 'Well, what're we waitin' for? Let's go, Care Bears. Charge!'
The whole Care Bear family cheered and got ready to leave.
NARRATOR: 'Now that the Care Bears are onto No Heart's plan, can they save the Evergreen Forest, before it's too late?'

No Heart had Cyril and the Pigs cowering in the corner near the fire place.
NO HEART: 'Now that the forest population are filled with carelessness, it's now your turn.'
Three bears marched into the room.
BEAR: 'You called us, Boss?'
CYRIL: 'Yes I did. I want you buffoons to get rid of this hooded…'
NO HEART: (interrupting) 'I am your master now. (Pointing at Cyril and the Pigs) Throw these guys in the dungeon.'
The bears looked at each other and shrugged. Then they marched up to Cyril and the Pigs, and grabbed them.
CYRIL: 'What are you idiots doing?!'
BEAR: 'Sorry, boss. He's scary looking.'
CYRIL: 'Scary looking? You brainless fools don't know the meaning of the word!'
BEAR: 'Orders are orders. Let's go.'
Cyril stomped on the bear's foot, and the Pigs attacked the other bears, causing them to let go of their captives. Cyril and the Pigs made a run for it.
NO HEART: (to the Bears) 'Let them go. They are outnumbered anyway. There is no one left in the Evergreen Forest with caring in their hearts.'

Bentley and Penny materialised, holding the Teleport device, Cyril inherited from his evil "Lost Star" counterpart.
BENTLEY: 'It was nice of Cedric to let us borrow this device. Did you enjoy visiting the Chipmunks in their home town?'
PENNY: 'I sure did. They were really surprised to see us.'
BENTLEY: 'C'mon, let's go and find the others.'
They ran off.

Bert, Lisa and Michelle were all outside. Bentley and Penny walked up to them.
BENTLEY: 'Hey guys. We had fun at the Chipmunks…'
BERT: (rudely interrupting) 'Get lost, brats!'
LISA: 'Yeah, can't you see we're deciding to give this dump a good makeover?'
BENTLEY: (shocked) 'Lisa? Bert? Michelle, what's wrong with them?'
MICHELLE: 'Who cares? You kids are bothering us!'
PENNY: (scared) 'W-W-What's wrong with them?'
Tenderheart Bear, Cheer Bear, Champ Bear, Grumpy Bear, Wish Bear and Funshine Bear all arrived.
TENDERHEART: 'We know what's wrong with them.'
CHEER: 'Their minds have been filled with evil. And we've come to save you guys.'
GRUMPY: 'Now step aside, so we can save your friends.'
BERT: (to Lisa and Michelle) 'Let's get 'em.'
TENDERHEART: 'Care Bears Stare!'
The five Care Bears' tummy symbols fired their powers at the three Raccoons, restoring the caring and feelings back into them.
BERT: 'Hey, what's going on here?'
LISA: 'Yeah, I had this nightmare that we turned evil and… Bears? It wasn't a dream, was it?'
BENTLEY: 'I'm afraid it wasn't, Sis.'
PENNY: (to Cheer Bear) 'And who are you guys?'
CHEER: 'We're the Care Bears. And we wanna be your friends.'
TENDERHEART: 'I'm Tenderheart. And these are my friends, Cheer Bear, Champ Bear, Grumpy Bear, Wish Bear and Funshine Bear. And we know what's going on. An evil wizard named No Heart has spread his powers over the whole forest, from the castle over there.'
He pointed in the direction of the Sneer Mansion.
MICHELLE: 'The Sneer Mansion. I hope Cyril Sneer is alright.'
LISA: 'And Cedric and Sophia, if they're there that is.'
BERT: 'Well, what're we standin' around here for? Let's go. Bert Raccoon to the rescue!'
He shouts as he heads in one direction.
LISA: (seeing where he's heading) 'Bert, watch out for the...'
Splashing is heard.
LISA: (finishing her sentence) '...lake.'
Bert steps out of the lake and shakes himself, spreading water everywhere.
GRUMPY: (chuckles a bit) 'Reminds me of Brave Heart Lion, eh Tenderheart?'
TENDERHEART: (chuckles) 'Yeah, but there's no time for flashbacks. Let's get going.

Cyril and the Pigs were running, and they stopped to catch their breath.
CYRIL: 'We've gotta warn Cedric. And those Raccoons.'
LLOYD: 'But sir, didn't No Heart brainwash them or something?'
CYRIL: 'Don't you know when to keep your mouth shut? I was hoping they didn't get brainwashed.'
PIGS: 'S-S-Sorry Boss.'
Cedric and Sophia walked up to them, with mean looks on their faces.
CYRIL: (happy) 'Cedric, you're alright.'
Cedric and Sophia walked past, without noticing them.
CYRIL: 'Cedric? (Grabbing Cedric's arm) It's not safe to go home.'
CEDRIC: (coldly) 'Let go.'
Cyril let go of Cedric, with a shocked look on his face.
CYRIL: 'They've been brainwashed too.'
Brave Heart Lion, Lotsa Heart Elephant, Bright Heart Raccoon, Treat Heart Pig, Cozy Heart Penguin and Swift Heart Rabbit ran up, and blocked Cedric and Sophia's path.
BRAVE HEART: 'Care Bear Cousins Call!'
Their tummy symbols fired their powers at Cedric and Sophia, returning them back to normal.
CEDRIC: 'What happened?'
LOTSA HEART: 'You two were all under No Heart's influence, and that's the truth.'
CEDRIC: (confused) 'No Heart?'
SOPHIA: (to the Care Bear Cousins) 'And who are you guys?'
BRAVE HEART: 'We're the Care Bear Cousins. I'm Brave Heart Lion. And these are my friends, Lotsa Heart Elephant, Bright Heart Raccoon, Treat Heart Pig, Cozy Heart Penguin and Swift Heart Rabbit.'
CYRIL: 'You're enemies of this No Heart fellow?'
SWIFT HEART: 'That's right.'
CYRIL: 'Well, he's taking over my mansion, and I want him out of there.'
COZY HEART: 'We're on our way there to stop him.'
BOYD: 'Oh thank goodness.'
TREAT HEART: (waving at the Pigs) 'Hi guys.'
LLOYD: 'Err, hi. I should point out I now have a girlfriend.'
TREAT HEART: 'That's okay.'
SOPHIA: 'Are there any more of you?'
BRIGHT HEART: 'Yes there are. And together we can stop No Heart's plans.'
BRAVE HEART: 'We need to meet up with the others.'

The Care Bears and the Care Bear Cousins all met up, with their new friends, Cyril, Cedric, Sophia, Bert, Lisa, Michelle, Bentley, Penny and the Pigs. They all got in their flying cloud cars and made their way towards the Sneer Mansion.

No Heart stood at the balcony of the war room, and looked at the view.
NO HEART: 'This forest is filled with my darkness. My best target ever.' (laughs evilly)
Beastly and Shreeky ran in.
BEASTLY: 'No Heart, emergency!'
NO HEART: (walking up to them) 'What is it?!'
SHREEKY: 'The Care Bears are here in the Evergreen Forest!'
NO HEART: (shocked) 'What?!'
He ran back to the balcony and looked at the view. He saw the Care Bears flying towards them in their cloud cars.
NO HEART: 'Those little bears are getting in my way for the last time!'
He stormed out.

The heroes all landed on the ground near the mansion.
BERT: 'Gee, this place is as dark and scary as it was at the time we went there to see Cedric before that ice hockey game.'
CYRIL: 'Yeah, but this time we're dealing with a more scarier monster.'
TENDERHEART: 'All of us united, we can stop No Heart.'
A storm cloud occurred around the mansion, and it moved forward, and rose, forming a giant No Heart.
NO HEART: 'This is the last time you will foil my plans!'
PIGS: (terrified) 'It's a giant grim reaper!'
CYRIL: (to the Pigs) 'Will you idiots stop calling him that!'
NO HEART: 'No one can stop No Heart now!'
TRUE HEART: 'That's what you think, No Heart!'
Everyone looked, and they saw True Heart Bear and Noble Heart Horse had arrived.
NOBLE HEART: 'We will always triumph against your evil!'
NO HEART: 'Give me your best shot!'
TRUE HEART: 'Care Bears Stare!'
NOBLE HEART: 'Care Bear Cousins Call!'
They all fired their powers at No Heart, weakening his dark magic.
NO HEART: 'No! It can't be! You're all weakening my powers!'
No Heart shrunk back to his normal size.
NO HEART: 'This is not over, Care Bears! I will have my revenge!'
He transformed into a dark tornado.
SHREEKY: (chasing after No Heart) 'Uncle No Heart!'
BEASTLY: (following Shreeky) 'Wait for us!'
Shreeky and Beastly get caught in the dark tornado. Everyone watched as it flew away.
CYRIL: (to the Care Bears) 'You Bears are very smart and intelligent.'
CHEER: (blushing) 'Thank you, Mr. Sneer.'
CYRIL: 'In fact you're all smarter than my own bears. They are in so much trouble for attempting to mutiny.'
BENTLEY: (to Bright Heart) 'And you're a raccoon too. Wow.'
BRIGHT HEART: 'Thanks  Bentley.'
BERT: 'Wait. What about everyone who was turned evil?'
MICHELLE: 'Can we save all of them?'
TRUE HEART: 'Now that No Heart has escaped, and his powers are weakened, everyone shall return to normal.'

An evil looking Ralph and Melissa were about to fire up the "Cyril Sneer" memorial printing press. Then all of a sudden, they changed back to normal.
RALPH: 'What are we doing?'
MELISSA: (looking at the printed sheets) 'We were about to publish our last edition. I was hoping we dreamt all that.'
RALPH: 'We gotta redo tomorrow's edition.'

BERT: (to Tenderheart) 'Can you guys stay for a while? I feel in the mood to party. We can even have all my favourite snacks. They're my favourites, because they all include Peanut Butter.'
The others sighed.
CEDRIC: 'And maybe some chocolate pudding.'

The Care Bear Family, and Bert, Ralph, Melissa, Lisa, Bentley, Penny, Michelle, Cedric, Sophia, Cyril, the Pigs, and Alicia and her sisters Melanie and Zoza were all outside, sitting at tables, and getting along with each other.
SCHAEFFER: (stepping outside with two trays of milkshakes) 'Here are your milkshakes, guys.'
Several Evergreen residents, and several Care Bears grabbed the milkshakes.
BERT: (after taking a sip of his milkshake) 'Mmm, peanut butter, my favourite.'
CEDRIC: 'And chocolate pudding.'
LOTSA HEART: (after taking a sip of her milkshake) 'Mmm. this is the best milkshake I've ever tasted, and that's the truth.'
TREAT HEART: (giggles) 'I agree, Lotsa Heart.'
Lloyd and Alicia shared a milkshake together. And Share Bear stood beside them.
RALPH: (to Grumpy) 'I wanna thank you all for saving the forest. Mind if we interview you all for the standard?'
GRUMPY: 'I don't know about the others. But I mind.'
He walked away.
RALPH: (awkwardly) 'Okay.'
MELISSA: 'I guess we now know why he's called Grumpy Bear.'
CHAMP: (to Melissa) 'Never mind him, Sports fans. I'll be happy to do an interview.'
MELISSA: (smiling) 'Great.'
Bentley and Penny sat with Baby Hugs and Tugs.
BENTLEY: 'Y'know Penny, the first time I saw you in your new dress, I thought you looked so pretty.'
PENNY: 'My parents said I needed new clothes. And I'm glad they bought this dress, it goes well with my blue striped sweater. At least that's what Brittany and the other Chipettes said.'
HUGS: 'You guys know the Chipettes?'
BENTLEY: 'Yup. And we know the Chipmunks too.'
HUGS: 'Oh, goody, goody, gosh!'
TUGS: 'We listen to their music a lot.'
GRAMS: (coming up behind the cubs) 'Yes, it's true. We've heard all about the benefit concerts they've done here in your forest.'
Broo whimpers a bit.
BENTLEY: 'Aw, what's the matter Broo?
Loyal Heart Dog comes up, leans down as Broo whispers in his ear.
LOYAL HEART: 'Oh, he says he'd like treat as well.'
BERT: (pulls a piece of his sandwich) 'Here ya go, Broo.'
Broo's ears perk up, he wags his tail and starts dancing on his back legs with his mouth wide open.
BERT: 'Bombs away.'
Bert drops the piece as Broo catches it.
PROUD HEART: 'Aw, that dance was purr-fectly cute. For a puppy, I mean.'
Broo walks off and bumps into Snag, who was napping next to Cyril's legs.
SNAG: 'Huh--wha? Oh, it's you, pup.'
BROO: 'And good day to you too, Gramps. Hey, wanna chase some squirrels? Huh, do ya?'
SNAG: 'Naw, thank you. I'd much rather conserve my energy. (stretches a bit) After all, I'm not a spring chicken, y'know. Besides, chasing squirrels is what changed Mistress Sophia into a 50 ft. giant last year. Or had ya forgotten?'
BROO: 'Good point. But I heard you did great at helping her catch those nasty Weasels.'
SNAG: (shrugs) 'Eh, lucky break, kid.'
BROO: 'Well, continue with your nap.'
Snag watches as Broo walks away.
SNAG: 'Huh. Kids these days.' (yawns)
Cedric and Sophia were sitting with True Heart and Noble Heart.
CEDRIC: 'So you two started the Care Bear Family?'
TRUE HEART: (chuckles) 'Yes that we did.'
NOBLE HEART: 'It certainly was a challenge to deal with.'
SOPHIA: 'Do you think Cedric and I may have a family of our own someday? Or maybe even Ralph and Melissa'
TRUE HEART: 'Maybe, but a wise man once said that the future isn't set in stone.'
NOBLE HEART: 'Yes. Your future is whatever you chose it to be.'
CEDRIC: (puts his arm around Sophia's shoulders) 'We'll keep that in mind, Noble Heart.'
The good guys continued to celebrate.
NARRATOR: 'The Care Bears enjoyed their stay at the Evergreen Forest. And they taught the Raccoons and their friends more about caring and sharing. Their paths may cross again some day. Only time will tell.'


JOHN SABASTIAN: Care Bears Countdown
DEAN & CAROL PARKS: Flying My Colors

The Raccoons meet the Care Bears in this story, where the evil No Heart takes over the Evergreen Forest.
© 2010 - 2024 Megamink1997
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rkerekes13's avatar
I gotta say, Stephen, this fanfiction alone is way better than the Care Bears animated series. Now that's sad.