
Power Raccoons and a Wedding Part 1

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Part 1

Written by Stephen Ricketts & Jacob Turner

The Raccoons © Skywriter Media & Entertainment Group
Michelle Raccoon © Michelleraccoon
Alicia, Melanie & Zoza © Alicia Martin
Joe Raccoon © YariFazanax
Jenny Elwood © Jennifer Elliot
Mel Raccoon © Mel Lowe
Stephen Raccoon © Stephen Ricketts

NARRATOR: 'The big day for Bert and Lisa is almost here. And the Raccoons and their friends have been busy preparing for it.'

Lisa was with in her room, with her parents. They were al sitting on the bed, with Lisa in the middle.
NICOLE: 'I can't believe ze big day is almost here. You must be really excited, Lisa.'
LISA: 'I'm ecstatic. And also I'm a bit nervous. I mean my life is gonna change.'
GEORGE: 'Everyone gets nervous before their wedding day. Well, almost everyone. I know your mom and I were both nervous before our wedding day.'
NICOLE: 'But we talked it out, and we realised we had nothing to worry about.'
LISA: 'I know, and I should be excited. I am really impressed that Bert worked hard the last few months, to make enough money to get me this.'
Lisa raised her hand, showing the engagement ring Bert got her.
NICOLE: 'And it's beautiful.'
GEORGE: 'Very.'
LISA: 'Thanks, guys. (Gets up) Well, I'd better go and see Michelle.'
She walked out of the room.
NICOLE: (nearly in tears) 'Oh, George. It almost seems like yesterday that Lisa was our little girl. She's grown up and happy now.'
GEORGE: 'Yeah, honey. I'm happy for Lisa too.'

Lisa ran up to the door, and knocked. Michelle answered it.
MICHELLE: 'Hi Lisa. Excited about the big day?'
LISA: 'You know it. Have you invited anyone to the wedding?'
MICHELLE: 'Yes I have. I invited my sister Mel. She and Stephen will be coming here tomorrow. And I also invited Joe, who hopes to make it here in time. What about you?'
LISA: 'I invited Curtis and his girlfriend. I also invited my old basketball teammates. They hope to make it by Saturday.'
Lisa's cell phone started ringing.
LISA: (looking at the phone display) 'It's Sophia. Hope it's good news. (Answers the phone) Hi Sophia. You got it? Sure. Bring it over to my house. I'll go get Aunt Melissa, and we'll all meet up there. See ya in a few minutes.'
She hung up the phone.
MICHELLE: 'Sophia got you the wedding dress you wanted?'
LISA: 'That's right, with a little help from Cedric too. I'm so excited about the big day. Bert gave me a gorgeous engagement ring. I just hope nothing bad happens.'

A dragon like spaceship flew across space.

Doors opened and a robot floated in, followed by an evil sinister figure.
ROBOT: 'All hail. His evil majesty, Lord Draigo is on the bridge.'
DRAIGO: 'What have you to report?'
His three henchmen walked up to him. A one eyed robot named Steelclops. A lizard woman named Venom, and Draigo's second in command, Eyesac.
EYESAC: 'We are in pursuit as we speak. According to the plan, Lord Draigo.'
STEELCLOPS: 'We'll get that ring.'
EYESAC: 'And what of the raccoon girl wearing it?'
DRAIGO: 'Destroy her.'

Ralph had just hung up the phone. Melissa and Bert were with him.
RALPH: 'I just got off the phone with Alvin. They're doing a concert Friday night, but they hope to make it in time on Saturday to perform at the wedding party at the Blue Spruce Cafe.'
BERT: 'Well, that's good to know. Alvin did say they'd be more than happy to perform for us if such a thing came to pass.'
MELISSA: 'That's nice of him to offer. I guess it shows that despite being a bit of a troublemaker at times, Alvin's got a heart of gold.'
RALPH: 'I'll say.'
There was a knock at the door, and Melissa answered it. It was Cedric holding a box.
CEDRIC: 'Hi, Melissa. Bert, I got you the wedding suit.'
BERT: 'Great. I'd better try it on.'
Bert and Cedric rushed upstairs.
RALPH: 'Gosh, this kinda brings back memories from when we got married. Doesn't it, honey?'
MELISSA: 'Absolutely.'
Ralph and Melissa hugged each other and kissed.

The dragon spaceship fired its cannons at a planet, causing explosions on the planet's surface.

Lisa and Sophia were in Cedric and Sophia's bedroom. Lisa was trying on the wedding dress, and she looked at herself in the mirror.
SOPHIA: 'Well, d'ya like it?'
LISA: 'I look beautiful. I hope Bert'll like it too.'
SOPHIA: 'I'm sure he will, Lisa. You're so lucky. And I mean that in a good way.'
LISA: 'Thanks, Sophia.'
The two hug each other.

Cyril Sneer was going through his mail.
CYRIL: (looking at an envelope) 'Strange. This one doesn't have a stamp on it.'
Cyril opened the envelope and took out the letter, and began reading it.
CYRIL: 'You are invited to the wedding of Bert Raccoon and Lisa Raccoon, this Saturday at ten A.M. So that peanut butter loving raccoon is finally getting hitched. Maybe his wife'll keep him under control.'

Bert was wearing the wedding suit, and Cedric stood beside him.
BERT: 'Well, Cedric, how do I look?'
CEDRIC: 'It looks great on you, Bert. Lisa'll love it.'
BERT: 'Wow. I can't believe that next weekend, I will be married to Lisa. Err, Cedric, that leads to something I need to talk about.'
CEDRIC: 'What's that?'
BERT: 'Well, I know marriage is a lifetime commitment. But, will it mean my days of adventuring will be over?'
CEDRIC: 'That's something you and Lisa need to work out. But from experience, getting married doesn't change you completely. I mean look at me and Sophia. We're married and we still hang out with you guys. I'm in charge of Sneer Industries, with Pop as my partner, who covers for me when I hang out with you guys. In a way, things have hardly changed that much.'
BERT: 'Ya know, you're right, Cedric. Maybe Lisa and I will work things out. I'd better talk to her before the big day. Thanks, pal.'
CEDRIC: 'Hey anytime, old buddy.'

Bert and Lisa looked up at the dark sky together.
LISA: 'Are you excited about Saturday?'
BERT: 'Yes I am. Well, I am having second thoughts.'
LISA: 'Really? Like what?'
BERT: 'Well, when we get married, will I have to give up anything I love?'
LISA: 'Well, marriage sometimes means making sacrifices. For example, Bert, You have to give up peanut butter.'
BERT: (shocked) 'What?!'
Lisa giggled.
LISA: 'Just kidding, Bert. You can still have peanut butter. Trust me on this. I'll never make you give up anything you love. Either if it's peanut butter, or having adventures around the forest. And that's a promise. But I fear I'll lose you if anything happens to you. So maybe I'll join you on your adventures. We can adventure around the forest together.'
Lisa hugged Bert.
BERT: (blushing) 'Thanks Lisa. I feel like a music montage of our lives coming on.'

SCENE 1: Lisa getting off the train, and Bert meeting her for the first time.
SCENE 2: Bert fantasising himself as a knight, rescuing Princess Lisa from the fire breathing dragon.
SCENE 3: Bert and Lisa at the Blue Spruce Cafe together.
MOVING IN: Bert and Lisa playing basketball outside the Raccoons' House.
SCENE 1: Bert walking into Lisa's room, catching Lisa and Donna smoking cigarettes.
SCENE 2: Bert catching Lisa smoking again, just after the "Can't Trust Myself" music scene.
GO FOR GOLD: Bert and Lisa riding bikes together.
DATING, EVERGREEN FOREST STYLE: Bert and Lisa slow dancing to "Teach Me".
INSOMNIA: Bert and Lisa in a boat going across Evergreen Lake.
AN EVERGREEN CHRISTMAS: Lisa gives Bert a jar of peanut butter.
THE PROPOSAL: Bert proposing to Lisa at Evergreen Lake.

Bert and Lisa were still hugging each other. Then they let go.
LISA: 'I know this wedding will involve some changes in our lives. But it doesn't mean we have to give up everything we love.'
BERT: 'Thanks Lisa. I feel more confident now.'
LISA: 'That's great. I must confess, I was a bit nervous too.'
BERT: 'You were?'
LISA: 'Until I had a talk with my parents. They gave me some good advice, as I am giving you advice now.'
BERT: 'That's great, Lisa. So both of us have nothing to worry about.'
LISA: 'That's right, my love.'
The two raccoons hugged again.

Jenny Elwood was running along through the woods.
JENNY: 'I've gotta get off this planet and find my friends! They're the only ones who can help me!'
She stopped and raised her Power Ring.
JENNY: 'I call upon the power of the Heart!'
Jenny magically teleported out.

Draigo was mad.
DRAIGO: 'Incompetent fools!'
EYESAC: 'Actually my lord I must…'
DRAIGO: 'You let her escape! Send a scout patrol and find her immediately, or heads will roll! Now be gone!'
EYESAC: (to Steelclops and Venom) 'On your way.'
STEELCLOPS: (as he and Venom left the bridge) 'Consider it done, lord. Steelclops is on the job.'
DRAIGO: (walking to one side) 'She shall not escape my wrath!'

Lisa, Melissa, Sophia, Michelle and Wendo were among the girls attending Lisa's hen party.
LISA: 'I wanna thank you guys for doing this.'
MELISSA: 'You're welcome, Lisa.'
SOPHIA: 'After all this is your last night of freedom.'
LISA: 'I hope Bert is having as much fun as I am.'

Bert Raccoon was attending his stag party, with Cedric, Ralph, Curtis, Bix, Toof, and several other guys around the forest.
RALPH: 'Enjoy your last night of freedom, Bert.'
BERT: 'Eh, thanks Ralph. And Schaeffer. Thanks for all the peanut butter snacks.'
SCHAEFFER: 'You're welcome, Bert.'
All of a sudden, there was a loud whistle, and they all turned to the door where they saw two police officers. A male white goat, and a sexy female red fox. It was the goat who blew the whistle.
GOAT: 'I'm Officer Goat and this is my assistant Officer Fox.'
FOX: 'We have reason to believe there is a Bert Raccoon in this fine restaurant.'
BERT: (scared) 'Oh no. (To the officers) I'm Bert. Err.. what have I done?'
GOAT: 'Done? This party is what you've done. It's disrupting the quiet of the forest. Prepare for your last night of freedom.'
FOX: (fluttering her eyelashes and smiling) 'And for a very good show.'
The goat got out a boom box, and was about to hit the play button.
BERT: 'Wait a second!'
Goat and Fox stopped for a moment.
BERT: (to Fox) 'You're the entertainment, aren't you?'
FOX: (taking off her hat, revealing her long purple hair) 'Well, yeah.'
BERT: 'Well before ya do anything, I have something to say first. (Looks to the screen) For the concern of our younger viewers, maybe you should skip the rest of this scene. I think it's gonna get too um… mature.'

BERT: (Voice Over) 'Thank you.'
Jenny Elwood was running along a cold quarry area, as the Dragon Ship fired energy blasts towards her. Explosions occurred around Jenny as she ran. An energy blast hit the ground right in front of Jenny, causing explosions around her. She fell to the ground, and six evil foot soldiers called Cyber Scouts materialised around the injured Jenny.
CYBER SCOUT #1: 'You're surrounded, Jenny Elwood. Surrender the Power Rings to Lord Draigo!'
JENNY: (trying to stand up) 'Never! (Raising her Power Ring) I call… upon the power of the Heart.'
The ring glowed, and she collapsed on the ground as she magically teleported out.
CYBER SCOUT #1: 'Fools! You let her escape!'
The scouts all teleported out.

Lord Draigo watched the monitor as a pink beam left the planet.
DRAIGO: 'There, the raccoon is leaving. Track her.'
EYESAC: 'We've locked onto her, sire.'
STEELCLOPS: 'She is heading for Planet Earth.'
DRAIGO: 'Then Earth will be our next target.'

The place was packed with friends and family members of Bert and Lisa. Michelle's sister Mel, and her friends, Stephen and Joe, they all sat together..
MEL: 'It was great that my sister invited us to this wedding. I always wanted to visit this forest again.'
JOE: 'Yeah.'
Cyril sat with Ingrid, and Mr. Knox and Lady Baden-Baden.
CYRIL: 'I never thought I'd see the day when that Bert Raccoon would get married.'
KNOX: (chuckles) 'Well, Cyril, stranger things've happened. Heck, I never thought we'd be partners for a good cause, and that's turned out great.'
CYRIL: 'Heh. Good point, Knox.'
Sitting in front of them were Lloyd, Floyd, Boyd, Alicia, Melanie and Zoza. Bix, Wendo, Toof, Nicole, Bentley, Danny and Bonneville were also among the guests. Cedric was the best man, and Sophia was the maid of honour, with Michelle and Melissa as the bridesmaids. Bert the groom was standing before the minister owl.
MINISTER: 'It looks like everyone's here. Let the ceremony begin.'
The organ player started playing "Here Comes the Bride" on the pipe organ. Penny walked along the isle as the flower girl, spreading flowers about the place. Lisa the bride showed up, wearing the beautiful wedding dress, and holding a bouquet of flowers, with George beside her. Bert's eyes opened wide as he saw how beautiful Lisa looked.
BERT: (quietly to himself) 'Wow.'
Lisa and George walked along the isle, and up to Bert. The music stopped as Bert and Lisa both stood before the minister. And George sat down next to Nicole.
MINISTER: 'Dearly beloved. We are all gathered here in the Evergreen Forest, to witness the wedding of Bert Raccoon and Lisa Raccoon. Is there anyone here today, who have any reasons why these two should not be wed? If there is, let them speak now, or forever hold their peace.'
There was a few seconds of silence.
MINISTER: 'Okay. Do you, Bert Raccoon, take Lisa Raccoon to be your wife, and love her, for richer and for poorer, for better and for worst, in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part?'
BERT: (smiling at Lisa) 'I do.'
MINISTER: 'And do you Lisa take Bert Raccoon to be your husband, and love him, for richer and for poorer, for better and for worst, in sickness and in health, 'til death do you part?'
LISA: (smiling back at Bert) 'I do.'
MINISTER: 'Now, for the wedding rings.'
Cedric held an open box with two wedding rings inside. Bert and Lisa each picked up a wedding ring, and placed the ring on each other's fingers.
MINISTER: 'And now to seal the deal with a kiss. You may now kiss each other.'
George and Nicole watched. George was filming the wedding with a video camera.
NICOLE: (quietly and excited) 'Oh my gosh, zis is it.'
Bert and Lisa moved close to each other, with their eyes closed. Their lips were about to touch, and kiss. But then the door at the far end swung open, causing everyone to turn around and look. Jenny Elwood, ran in, all injured, with bruises on her body, and a bit of blood on her face.
JENNY: 'Guys! I need your help!'
MICHELLE: 'Jenny?'
All of a sudden, there was an explosion outside, which shook the place, causing parts of the ceiling in the church to fall down. A piece landed on Jenny, knocking her out. The raccoons ran up to her.
CYRIL: 'What in blazes is going on out there?!'

The Raccoons all ran out and looked up. The Dragon Ship was hovering high above the Evergreen Forest.
LISA: 'It's some kind of giant space ship. It's after Jenny.'
BENTLEY: 'It's worse than that, sis. It's all clear now. (Pointing up at the ship) That thing is the great and powerful evil the Dragon was warning us about!'
Penny and the others gasped.
NARRATOR: 'Yes, it looks as though the Evergreen Dragon's prediction of a great evil attacking the Evergreen Forest has finally come true. Can the Raccoons defeat Draigo and save the Evergreen Forest? And will Bert and Lisa seal their wedding vows with a kiss? All will be answered in the next exciting episode of "The Raccoons".'



Part 1 of 2.
The big day has finally arrived for Bert and Lisa. But when the evil Lord Draigo shows up from outer space, the Raccoons end up with a bigger problem.

Featured Villains
Lord Draigo [link]
Steelclops, Eyesac & Venom [link]
Dragon Ship [link]
Cyber Scout [link]
© 2011 - 2024 Megamink1997
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